Tuesday, March 6, 2012

10 Upcoming things I'm excited for

1. Spring.  To be followed by summer.
2. Sunshine. On my face, my legs, my arms and anyplace else it deems fit to shine.
3. To see the movie 'The Hunger Games'. (I'm about to start the second book and I'm in the process of cramming them all in before the big premiere later this month).
4.A partial kitchen makeover at some point. (To be determined by the amount of free time we have mixed in with all of the other things we have already planned in the months to come). We are big on ideas and short on time but just a year out from our final grad party so by this time next year we'll be admiring the finished product. (Besides boys are so very hard on things - and there's a little desire to procrastinate).
5. Flowers, flowers, flowers.
6. A handful of weddings.
7. My son-in-law's return from the Marines so we can get on with the business of becoming a full and complete family.
8. Chasing the dog around the yard. (Meaning out of flower beds).
9. Several treks to my parents' house so the boys can hunt and fish and chop wood and do all of the other very 'male' things there are to do there along with the perpetual campfire that everyone gathers around nightly.
10. Writing. Lots and lots of writing.

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