Thursday, March 7, 2013

What's luck got to do with it?

It's a real thing.
People argue with me about that, but if you know us long enough, even you'll suspect I know what I'm talking about.  
It's The Curse of the Helmbergers.

No, Not life in general because we are extremely blessed.

But in lotteries, drawings, games of chance and even, sadly, your basic Bingo outting.
Kirk was one of TWO people left in a pool to win a pretty cool prize recently and, of course, the other guy went home with it.
Fifty-fifty are pretty good odd and we didn't even hold our breath. Powerball? Why bother.

As sure as I am that we'll never win anything of note I also suspect I have the power to rub my crummy luck off on others.
We're at the waning end of another hockey season and I got so wrapped up into the 'good luck,'  'bad luck' thing that my pre-game ritual became a little rediculous (even by my standards). Everyone knows hockey players/coaches/fans are a notoriously superstitious lot.
Shave/don't shave, dye their hair, don't dye their hair, etc. etc.

I got so out of control this season that the coat I wore, the nail polish I applied, my earrings and even my ever-present gray turtleneck (fellow parents - it's okay - I own three) were mainstays just to keep that tempo of a good season rolling. And once I hit on a routine that worked we went gangbusters... winning, winning, winning... even teams we usually don't we beat. 
Then we lost. It was bound to happen but it still stinks and I haven't said anything to many people but I know it's my fault.

I wore the gray turtleneck.
I wore the silver hoop earrings.
I had the Steady Reddy shade of nail polish on.
I even wore the old black coat even though I have a newer, nicer, warmer one in my closet.

But I've lost my bracelet.
And it had to be the bracelet.
It was a hockey themed charm bracelet my sister-in-law gave me at Christmas.
I tried to find it.
I went back and looked at the stores I shopped at that day.
I called the place I met parents at before the game.
I have all but ripped up the carpeting up in my car.
But it's gone.

And so I apologize to the boys on the Warrior hockey team. And their parents. And the other fans in the stands.
I probably jinxed you.

About that Helmberger jinx myth.....Now do you believe me?!