Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's my status and I'll yawn if I want to

So, it has occurred to me recently that I just may not be exciting enough to entertain a Face book page let alone a whole, entire, some-web-experience-necessary blog.
Not that I'm quitting either of them because I'm not. I'm just using this as an informational session so that you realize how hard I try to keep both somewhat interesting.
It's just that, well, I've come to this new self-awareness phase that leads me to believe people don't, or shouldn't, really care all that much about what I wear, what I eat, that I got a hair-cut, or that my immediate plans include spending an hour this morning surface cleaning my house. See? Not all that exciting. Also - I hit my big toe on the leg of a table while I was doing it and didn't even deem that post-worthy.

The truth is I'm having a hard time discriminating between mundane ordinary happenings in my life and those that might be deemed noteworthy or warrant a status update or blog post.

There are things going on in my life, sure. But do people want to know about all of them? Probably not. Suffice it to say that I, too, hate Mondays, sometimes I feel like crap (thank you DNA that includes suffering from allergies to various things 12 months out of the year) and for the record I'm never sure what to make for dinner. But even when I do decide I probably won't take a picture of it and post it on the Internet when it's done (but there are other reasons for that).

I don't post inspirational quotes very often  (although I do like them), I haven't memorized enough bible passages to include them in my daily musings and while I'm occasionally witty (although my husbands says not as often as I'd like to think) I usually forget the really good stuff before I get a chance to type it in.

I do enjoy books and movies. Both of these are pretty universal topics. Things I've liked recently from these categories include 'We Bought a Zoo.' (Matt Damon is fabulous in everything). New books I've enjoyed recently include Mirror Mirror, Geek Love (both passed on to me by a friend) and, of course all three Hunger Games because, really, who hasn't? And I am always, always open to book suggestions from my friends and blog readers. 

I do belong to both a bookclub and a writer's group and sometimes I like to post about those. Then I can be interesting by association.

So, in a nutshell... If I post on my Face book and update my blog I'm probably still not driving you to the edge of your seat. But I do strive to be interesting. Or you know ... make it worth 5 - 30 seconds worth of your time because you have your own status to update.

For those that really do have inquiring minds: No, I couldn't sleep last night so I got up and finished a really good book at 2 a.m. I had peanut butter on a slice of bread for lunch today. It's 64 degrees this afternoon and yes, I do love it. Also - It's looking pretty much like pork roast for dinner at our house and I took a pass on posting about any of it.

I'm a work in progress.
Always a work in progress.

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