Monday, December 28, 2009

Where have you been Bella?

cream cheese?

Sure, it's pretty coming down

So here's the thing. Minnesota = snow. Snow = my least favorite thing.
Me = Minnesota.

What is that all about?

There are a couple of things I will admit to enjoying about snow. One being the thrill of playing in it for roughly 11 minutes after it falls or until I get the first clump down my boot. The second thing I can admit to liking about it is that it's the only thing that offers the opportunity to crank up the snow blower. Which I actually do love. Twice. After that even running something big and motorized that kicks streams of snow hundreds of feet away just starts to become work.
I did have a new winter revelation today. I noticed that our yard seems quite a bit...well...higher now. It's pretty much even with the second step of the porch. This could come in handy in the summer in the weeding of the flowerbeds but I don't know how to work it all out yet.
Something else that I thought was funny was the car pictured above driving down 371 ahead of us this afternoon. I was with Kyle and his friend, Reno, and neither of them found it as funny as I did. Really? Harrumph. Video games have jaded kids.

It also slightly tickeled me that most of the street signs were covered with heavy clumps of snow over the names. If you didn't have a GPS and were new to the neighborhood it would be a hopeless cause to follow directions the old fashioned way. You know, "Take Norway Street to Walton Drive." Today you would have had to say, "Take Nrwa Stee to Wlto Dive." Hahahahaha.
Okay, maybe it's not that funny.
Also, something you should know in case it comes up in your own life.... Two college daughters and one 15-year-old son = anatomically correct snowmen.
In the front yard.
The snow is here - it's officially winter. Everyone rev the snowmobiles twice in salute!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas! Tis the time – to send Season’s Greetings to yours from mine…
To wish a little holiday cheer - with a bonus recap of the whole darned year.
No major changes that much I’ll say – We had a year to mostly play.
No grad parties or formal things … just the chores that every season brings.
Good news, too, we’ve all been good (compared, at least, to Tiger Woods).

This year the girls both traveled far … by train and plane and too by car.
Kirstin felt the urge to go - on a girl’s road trip to New Mexico.
She rode a balloon up in the air and then later did Vegas without even a care.
Too young to gamble she kept all her dough - That’s the perfect time for someone to go.
“New Orleans by train” is what Kayla declared - then she hopped on an Amtrak and it took her there.
Over water through woods one state then the next. “It’s a great way to go” she said in a text.
Youth from the nation all joined one another, to help people there that still need to recover.
Then in October she decided to go - with a friend from high school to Colorado.
They drove out together she came back alone – but it went much faster because she flew home.
Kayla and Kirstin are roomies again – in an apartment this time with one other friend.
In between travels they study some too – to get future diplomas from SCSU.
Since hockey is something our family all shares – we drive to St. Cloud to see Husky games there. We share season passes with others from town - we split up the games and take turns driving down.

Kyle headed to high school this year – He’s growing up too. It’s just as I feared.
He plays some baseball and hockey still too – So these days that’s what Kirk and I mostly do.
To Fargo! To Buffalo! Anoka, St. Cloud! We watch from the stands and cheer ever so loud
For the goalie with 35 on his shirt and I silently pray that he doesn’t get hurt.
This last year he grew about six inches too. Finally!! (It’s what he’s been hoping to do.)
About November we both said, “Oh Sh*t,” when the state gave him a learner’s permit.
“Can I drive? Can I drive?” He asks every day. “I’m good, C’mon let me - I know the way.”
Slowly he maneuvers the neighborhood roads – if you’re driving near here just stay on your toes.
“No cell phone! No rock tunes!” You’ll hear bellowed from me – but so far he’s got us from point A to B.
He hunted and fished some this year with dad, And from the tales that I hear a good time’s always had.

The aging process has begun to progress. Kirk and I already need more and more rest.
“Was I napping?” One of us asks once a day. Or, “What was I going to get anyway?”
Small print’s a frustration we could both do without. “I can’t read that!” Kirk frequently shouts.
But all things considered we know when we curse, we’re healthy, we’re thankful and things could be worse. We went to Tulsa this year in May so we could Preston, Jen, Wiley and Gage. We had a good time they were great tour guides. Kirk drove the whole way (I was glad I can’t lie).
So no excuses, Hey! Let’s stay in touch – for communication we’ve been given so much.
Twitter us, E-mail us, drop us a line. Maybe text, call, or Facebook us sometime.
Follow my blog or log on to my site… Choose your method. They all work all right.
We’re hip, we’re modern, some news I should tell - is our home phone is gone so please call our cells.
A land line? Peeshaw! Who calls them today? It’s just one less bill now that we have to pay,
Glad Tidings, God’s blessings, may your season be bright.
May peace be yours when you lay down at night.
Do the right thing when it presents itself - and put family first above everything else.
May the season’s good wishes bring nothing but smiles
Sheila and Kirk, Kayla Kirstin and Kyle.