Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mulling over my options

Since I work from home people often wonder what I do all day. Which is crazy because I "work" from home.
And so this time of year assorted family members also wonder why groceries aren't bought, the Christmas shopping list isn't completed, said gifts from the list aren't wrapped, the stocking stuffers aren't gathered and ready to stuff into stockings and why the house isn't immaculate at the end of every day (well that last one is just me).
And I don't really have an answer for any of that other than writing takes a lot of time and so does everything else.
I read a quote recently that said "Being a writer is like having homework every single day for the rest of your life." But explain that to anyone else who doesn't do it.
So here I am today teetering back and forth between writing the Christmas letter my husband asked whether or not was finished or working on other writing that I actually have to complete at an agreed time in exchange for a paycheck.
Or, you know... wiling away a little time on Facebook and Pintrest and then leaving the house to actually work on some more of that shopping that has to be done.
What would Erma or Jen do? (Bombeck and Lancaster that is. Oh, never mind, I think I know what Jen would do. I'm already warming up the car.)
But, keep an eye out for that Christmas letter. 

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