Sunday, October 19, 2014


I've never really thought much about fall before
But this year for some reason I have realized it might be my favorite season of them all.
I've long been a lover of spring in fact.
Because I hate the winter so much spring has always been a welcome end to snowy roads and months of captivity indoors.
This year I have a long list of books I am ready to read and a notebook full of story ideas that need to get on paper. And Netflix, wonderful Netflix, means I might not ever have to leave the house other than for work outings. This is going to be great.
Besides, fall also signals the end of the water season in Minnesota. Since water isn't a place I long to be it's nice when everyone else comes in off of it and joins me on shore also.
Besides, by the time we're getting rid of the last of the Christmas wrappings everyone will be heading back onto the lakes anyway - this time in cars and trucks and on ATVs and snowmobiles to try their hand at winter fishing.
That's Minnesota.

Another perk of fall, besides the pop of color that surrounds this time of year, is Halloween.
Because it's all so suspenseful and thrilling.
Besides the costumes and the fun involved it's always a crap shoot to see how the weather might be. And no matter what the forecast calls for you'll never know how it might really be until 24 hours before. 
October 31st will either signify the beginning of a long, snowy winter and the neighborhood children will come calling in heavy jackets and mittens or it could be warm enough to let them shred the jackets all together and go  door to door in costumes alone.
Every year is different.

Changes are also coming to our home this year as well. Big things a little at a time.
I will fill you in very soon and after that you will notice my updates coming a lot faster as we adjust to a new pace of life.
Fall. Beautiful fall.

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