Friday, October 11, 2013

Twists and turns

It has been an eventful summer and fall to say the least at our house.

In a twist...
Kirk was encouraged by his doctor to take eight weeks off of work and concentrate on getting his blood sugar back in check.
His Type 2 diabetes was pretty out of control about July and he just wasn't feeling well. His numbers were skyrocketing, even with medicine, and a newer diagnosis of high blood pressure was thrown into the mix and one medication leads to two, which leads to three and ....  they just decided to slam on the brakes and work on getting things back in check.
Well the eight weeks flew by just like we knew they would and he started back to work this past Monday. Things are still not where they should be but, of course, it's a marathon and not a sprint. He is also going to work on the sleep apnea they told him he had a while back. We've made a lot of changes and there will be more to come.

In a turn... Kyle has left.
Oh, he's not far. Bemidji is only an hour and a half away but after 25 years of kids running around the house with noise and friends and piles of things hither and yon it just seems weird.

About the time Kirk started his leave - Kyle started to pack.
Before we knew what was really happening it was just the two of us and the silly dog. Two people. Just like it was 27 years ago. Except now we are two people with five bedrooms, four bathrooms, five televisions, an acre and a half of a yard to mow and ... oh the silence is so loud.
Since I do all of my work and writing from home we did, however, joke that we got a little taste of what it will be like someday when we win the lottery :0) or, probably more realistically, retire. We're both still here to tell about it so I'm going to declare it somewhat of a success by George.  

In another turn ...While Kirk was filling out paperwork to take his leave and Kyle and was putting all of his sweat pants and ball caps in suitcases I turned 50 years old.  Just 50. Practically a baby.
I have all kinds of time before retirement.

1 comment:

  1. Getting teary just thinking about the empty nest. Think I'll go hug the boys, whether they like it or not!
