Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A month of words

I am reading more than ever lately.
I think it's the fall weather and the comfort of hunkering down long under a light throw or heavier blanket, depending on the temperature, and the time indoors that lends itself to enjoying a good yard in it's entirety: a beginning and a middle and an end.

Not that I haven't managed to do a little seasonal leaf blowing and a few visits to mom and dad's place to see my brother's family and my nieces. We've followed Kyle's fall hockey team around to weekends in Moorhead, Roseau, and the grands: Grand Rapids and Grand Forks. Lucky for me Kirk isn't a fan of my driving and would rather sit in that seat so I can read on our travels as well. He enjoys a good story himself but enjoys sports on television more so when we've been traveling up and down the roads of northern Minnesota I've been reading 'Gone Girl' to him. (The second time for me after devouring it for book club and suggesting I share it with him.)
The weather men and ladies talk about drizzle, and cooler temps and the possibility even of some light snow in the coming days.
Deer hunting starts in a week.
Next week we turn our clocks back.
It's on to the icky roads and bundling up before we step onto the porch time of year.
But that's OK.
Because for all of the books I've read lately (and I'm in the middle of three right now) there are so many more I'm looking forward to digging into in the coming weeks.

Reality television is a fine dabble but up against an interesting story it's the lesser of the two desires.
So enjoy your fall.
Make a 'must read' list.
Either light the fire or flick the switch to the fire place
And settle back.

FYI:  Books I'm currently reading include:  Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, Room for Improvement by Stacey Ballis, and When It Happens to You by Molly Ringwald. Kind of lighter reads which is probably why I've been able to flip back and forth between all three. Last night I finished "Let's Pretend this Never Happened" by Jenny Lawson for next week's book club discussion. I laughed out loud more than once.

If you have any suggestions for future reads I'd love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. I need to make a must read list. Thanks for the suggestion. I think I will be reading more this winter with jim at practice and hockey road trips. I love your blogs and am always checking for the next one!

    Kris W
