Friday, December 16, 2011

It's a Hard Knock Life

I probably have the perfect job.
I don't have to crawl out of bed, get dressed, brush my teeth, fight with my hair and report somewhere to punch anything to prove I was there.

Basically I can plan my job around my life and once in a while I walk to the mailbox to retrieve a paycheck - not a large one mind you, but one that gets to be semi-rewarding when I pool a couple together.  Also fortunate for me is the gift of a husband that has been willing to get out of bed, brush his teeth and do all of that other stuff so that he can actually leave the driveway and go to a real job.

Although my freelance writing doesn't always pay spades in hard cold cash I'm still rewarded with the opportunity to meet some pretty cool people and have some pretty great experiences.  It is an interesting gig this opportunity to write in my den in the dead of winter and on the front porch in the summer. People always ask - How do you know what to write about? Do they tell you what to do?
Sometimes they do. Sometimes I have an idea of my own and once in a while I get a phone call from someone who knows what I do and has a possible idea for a story. More than once a stranger in a store has come over and told me about something interesting and I've done a story on it.
I've written about food, shoes, the flu, high school graduation, camping equipment, walking trails, dogs, cats, grilling, babies, senior citizens, summer, fall winter and spring. I've wrote about thank-you notes and buying new cars. Garage sales and formal dances.
I've done several pieces on my own family and I've interviewed lots and lots of local residents. And now I'm writing a story about writing stories.
Just because I really do like to write I'm willing to do research on home flooring and school lunches.
I've interviewed child entrepreneurs and successful musical artists and couple of summers ago I, a non-swimmer, learned all about the world of sailing and a national race that was happening locally. Last winter I, a non-ice fisher person, drove 90 miles to talk to a well-known ice fishing expert. I have learned a lot sharing other people's expertise. Last fall I spoke with elementary school children diagnosed with Diabetes and was awed by how brave they handled their situations along with daily self-administered insulin injections.
Recently I took an assignment from a magazine in St.Cloud for a cover story about a young female BMX racer that has a great possibility of qualifying for the next Olympics. I interviewed her by phone in Baxter while she was at her home - the Olympic Training Center in Los Angeles. She was packing for a competition in South Africa.
How cool is that?!

Sometimes the world of freelance can be a little frustrating too. Often I get paid six months after I write an article and sometimes stories get killed altogether. After I've done the interview. After I've taken the time to sit down and write the article making sure I've met an editor's deadline. That's the not so fun part. Because even though I've done the work I might not see a dime. But it's something I know can happen.

I also write this blog. The one I don't update nearly enough. But Ive already made myself a promise to do better. That's what New Year's resolutions are for. (I'm also resolving to cook better, clean more thoroughly, exercise more often and a multitude of other things.)
Besides, I have interviews to do, topics to research and articles to write in my jammies.
I am going to be very busy.

1 comment:

  1. Your words echo my own reasons for loving freelance writing. The best part is meeting new people in my community. Great list of resolutions. You have 52 weeks, plus one day in 2012. You don't have to do it all at once.
